
Hi people these are the staff people of the cpps:-







6 Responses to Staff

  1. maxeem123 says:

    hey scary rai can i be med im maxeem + i subscribed to u on youtube my account is sawag twenty

  2. maxeem123 says:

    + im the maker of freakycpps

  3. can i be the vice owner

  4. maineoc says:

    Could I be co-owner? I have lots of cops experience and know what it takes. Thank you, Megamaineac.

  5. roxxy2 says:

    Can I be co-owner please? I have good grammar, I’m currently owner of a cold, I’ve been a moderator, owner, VIP etc on other CPPSs. You can trust me; I’ve never and never will gone on a banning spree or anything and if someone swears I will first give 3 warnings then 3 kicks and if they persist then I’ll ban them, unless they’re allowed to swear. The only thing that would get me fired is not being online enough. Thank you.

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